General > Suggestion

Stream Suggestions!

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Jarttu should invite a guest streamer sometime.


--- Quote from: Korkky on November 16, 2018, 01:49:55 AM ---Jarttu should invite a guest streamer sometime.

--- End quote ---
There have been some co-op streams before at least with Julmajuha and Jugipelaa
who knows if something like this will happen in the future

Perhaps on a Sub Sunday we could try doing a Bonus Hunt where the subscribers pick the games!

Suggestion for sub sunday: Subscribers try to predict on forum how many bonus features/freespins/+100x wins Jarttu gets during sub games. There could also be a pre set number of how many sub games will be played during the stream. Some awards for best predictions (like a x€ PSC for each category).

Spoonyli. I think that could be something we might try in the future. So you mean overall how many +100x wins coming during the evening?


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