Author Topic: Thebes Casino - Stay away these Scammers  (Read 1387 times)


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Thebes Casino - Stay away these Scammers
« on: October 16, 2020, 01:27:31 PM »
Thebes Casino is scamming customers

I decided to bring this case to public just as warning to other gamblers.
"Gamble only money you afford to lose... one way or other =D"
Trust only Casinos with legit licences, multiple recommendations and publicly good reputation.

Secondly I want to question integrity of some affiliates and Casino forums for recommending this casino.
As now realised that information was also available beforehand. My bad not to seach before deposit.

My story.

Couple of weeks ago I saw somewhere advert of Thebes Casino. 200% First Deposit Bonus.
I acted like noobie and deposited without investigating Casino reviews over forums.
It was not big deposit, but I got lucky and finally balance was around 28x deposit.

Wager was cleared and all documents mentioned was sent to casino.

And then the fun started...
After couple of days I asked their Live Chat what is status of my withdrawl?
Only aswer I got is basically: Please allow us 5 business days to review your request.

Hmm okay, I can wait couple of days more, eventhough it sounds pretty weird in 2020.

Two days passed and I relised that withdrawl was declined - no notifications or questions to me.
Finally Live chat found explanation "Please note you withdrawal got declined as you had to must send a print screen of the Neteller account to confirm the account ID."

Hmm okay, why nobody asked for it?
okay, I took screenshot and sent it to given email while chatting with "Live customer service".
"So how long will it take to look at that screenshot?" I asked...Guess answer? "Please allow 5 business days so that the review of your latest payout request can be made."
Just to make sure that they are happy with the documents, I took another screenshot with Mobile app and sent as well.

Every time I deposit, I see money as lost. Now I was sure I got scammed first time in my 20 years gaming history.
Who needs a WEEK to review ONE picture?

Asked via Live Caht and emailed 'Support'.... Got NO answer... to anything.

Of course I got sligtly pissed. But waited again a week. And guess... Withdrawl was declined again - no notifications or questions to me.
Again asking from the crappiest live chaat what is happening?
And after a while I got answer: "Please note you withdrawal got declined as you had to must send a print screen of the Neteller account to confirm the account ID."

WTF??? I sent two different emails including screenshots!
"there are no email sent" "or recieved".... and then silence

I have sent quite many emails, but this is first time when two emails sended with two different divices was totally missing =D

Worst explanation ever!!! Ridiculous conning!

Okay so third email suddenly managed to go trough to their 'Accounting'
I even got email "Your ticket is now solved!" 
Surprisingly their 'Ticket' contained header of my previous emails =D

So I made a payout request again.
Live Chat promised to speed up the process... this time it's faster.
So I responded to 'Accounting ticket' with my opinions... and guess...
"Hello, Thank you for your response! The review of your withdrawal request will take place next Wednesday. Have a good day, "

I have never encountered such arrogance and disrispect in any customer service. Despicable!

Yes... their T&C says "We aim to review all withdrawal requests within 72 hours from the moment the customer has placed a withdrawal request on the Account.
However, withdrawal timeframes are dependent on the verification status of the customer.
As part of our requirements we must collect documentary evidence of customer’s identity and this can affect the timeframes of the withdrawal review (up to 5 business days)."
But everyone can make conclusions on their own.

So I still have pending withdrawl after over two weeks after first request. Who believes that I will see my winning in Neteller?

PS. I informed casino that I will contact all necessary authorities, game providers, casino forums and streamers to let public know how Thebes is scamming people.
They anwered me "Hello, Thank you for your response! The review of your withdrawal request will take place next Wednesday. Have a good day, "